The Watchman Radio Hour
with Alex Dodson
The Dynamite of God
(Matthew 1:16)

The gospel has the power to save the lost. The gospel has the power to turn nations around. In the mid 1700's, the gospel like a mighty storm set the colonies in America on fire. The same thing happened in England in the Great Evangelical Awakening there. The gospel has power to change lives. It has power to effect nations for the better. At the time of the Reformation, the gospel was unleashed with mighty power and the whole of Europe was changed. Even today we are still living under the effects of the gospel that was unleashed at the Reformation. William Wilberforce was a mighty instrument for good in England and the British Empire. He not only abolished the slave trade but did many other things that promoted righteousness in the nation and empire. Without the Great Evangelical Awakening, there would have been no William Wilberforce for his faith was rooted in that great movement of God's Spirit in Britain when the gospel was proclaimed in mighty power. The gospel is the dynamite of God. The word "power" in English is "dunamis" in the Greek New Testament. We get our English word "dynamite" from the Greek word "dunamis". Thus the gospel is the dynamite of God. It is powerful and can do great and mighty things.






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