The Watchman Radio Hour
with Alex Dodson
Only Jesus Can Deliver Us From Our Sinful Condition
(Galatians 1:4)

Samuel Davies, preacher in America in the years following the First Great Awakening, and President of Princeton College wrote, "Only a large communication or outpouring of the Spirit can produce a public general reformation...the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is the great and only remedy for a ruined country - the only effectual preventative of national calamities and desolation, and the only sure cause of a lasting and well-established peace." (Revival & Revivalism by Iain Murray, p. 21) In a nation where sin dominates more and more, we need to cry out to God to send a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit to turn this country around. Jesus came to deliver us from the dominion of sin. He delivers individuals and he can deliver nations through mighty outpourings of the Holy Spirit. The problem in this country is sin - men are steeped in sin - most don't realize the degree of their sinfulness and the hopelessness of their condition. What we need today is the great convicting power of the Holy Spirit to descend on this land that men might mourn over their sins and cry out to God. It has happened before and it can happen again. May God make it so in our day.






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