The Watchman Radio Hour
with Alex Dodson
The Conviction of Unbelief 
(John 16:9)

In a letter from Alec Hill, President of Intervarsity, he writes, "While there are many Christian professors, it is estimated that only 1% of faculty at elite universities in the US are believers." We are living in a society dominated in many places by unbelief. Whether it be college professors shaking their fists in the face of God or scientists refusing to give God credit for the wonder of His creation or liberal theologians who refuse to believe the Bible, unbelief permeates society. Iain Murray in Pentecost - Today? The Biblical Basis for Understanding Revival writes, "Yet it is true that the most widespread revivals in the last four centuries have followed eras when unbelief was dominant both in society and in the church." (P. 171) Unbelief is a terrible thing - it can ruin people and nations. One of the things the Holy Spirit will do when He comes in convicting power is to convict or convince the world of its unbelief. The root of all sin is unbelief. When the Holy Spirit comes in convicting power, He first goes to the core of our problem, our unbelief. He rips our hearts open and exposes the unbelief embedded there.






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