The Watchman Radio Hour
with Alex Dodson
The Preaching of the Word Brings Conviction
(1 Thessalonians 2:13))

During the First Great Awakening in America, the preaching of the Word was prominent. It was through this instrument that God sent revival to America in the 1730's and 40's. Jonathan Edwards preached and whole congregations were moved to tears and lives were changed forever. George Whitefield preached from Georgia to Maine and multitudes were saved. Can such revival happen again? Have we reached such a low point in our nation that it's too late? At the time of the Protestant Reformation, the church had descended to a very low point and the gospel was almost lost, but God raised up preachers of His Word and the whole world changed. Yale College had become a place for infidels and those professing Christ were rare. Yet, God raised up Timothy Dwight to preach to the students the Word of God and a great revival took place. During the time of the Second Great Awakening in America, revivals broke out everywhere all over America and the nation as a whole was changed. Can such a thing happen again? It must be our prayer that it will. For such to happen again, we need the powerful preaching of the Word of God in America. When we see such preaching return to our pulpits, then we shall have hope.






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