The Watchman Radio Hour
with Alex Dodson
Nations That Hinder the Gospel Will Pay a Price
(1 Thessalonians 2:14-16))

Laws are being passed already in this nation that hinder the gospel. Christians are being persecuted who seek to obey the Word of God. Christians are being put in a position of being forced to participate in activities against their conscience. Christians who stand up for Biblical morality are being mocked and falsely accused. The gospel is being put out of the public square more and more and confined to within the walls of church buildings. Much is taking place in this nation that is and will hinder the gospel. Does God see all of this and will he allow such actions to continue without intervening in some way? Nations in the past who have hindered the gospel have come under great judgment. Such judgment could eventually come on this nation if we do not stop the repression of Christians and Christianity. Paul experienced repression and persecution for preaching the gospel especially at the hands of his own countrymen and so did the Thessalonians. The Jewish nation paid a price for hindering the gospel in their day. Our nation if it continues to seek to repress Christians and Christianity will certainly pay a price. Yet, our prayer is that such repression will stop and that the gospel will flourish in this land as it has in the past.






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